Thursday, June 21, 2012

Who likes rocks? (Yosemite Update)

 Hiking into Yosemite was a fun, easy little section. Mosquito swarms are blooming everywhere with all the snowmelt and warm temperatures.  It doesn't take more than 30 seconds for over two dozen to sink and feast in many places. Another annoying swarm on the trail near and in Yosemite is the crowds of people everywhere, I must have seen 5 times as many people from Mammoth to the end of the Muir Trail in Yosemite Valley as I have on the entire hike combined. One place I was able to avoid the crowds fortunately was climbing Half-Dome. Normally the is the most crowded trail in the park, but I went up only a few hours before sunset and saw only a handful of people the entire climb. I got up to the top around 6 and decided to stay for sunset the only three people I met who going up were nice enough to take a few pics for me but left within thirty minutes. They didn't want to come down in the dark. The sunset was beautiful but mostly it was nice having such a dramatic and beautiful place all to myself for a few hours. All I'll say about coming down in the dark is its a hell of a lot harder than going up in good light.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics! I'm envious. Except for the nighttime accommodations.
